Western Skies Strategies specializes in executive management, government relations and strategic consulting.

Our team applies effective business management skills to guide and grow non-profit associations that are successfully thriving and functioning in the 21st century. From ranchers and range professionals to seed analysts and seed businesses we are fortunate to play an incredible role with board members, committees, members and volunteers.

Part of our work involves our team coordinating private/public partnerships and relationships. From direct interactions with Members of Congress and the Administration to the various Federal Agencies. Each day we are successfully carrying out projects that enhance production agriculture, resource management, small businesses and rural communities.

At WSS, we combine excellence with passion.

Marketing and public relations play a key role in the success of our projects and associations. Our team takes pride in assuming the culture of the association and delivering a message that informs, engages and activates memberships and affected stakeholders. Websites, social media, email and print media all need to be coordinated in a fashion that ensures successful outreach and engagement.

Associations, companies, professionals, stakeholders and government officials all benefit by coming together on an annual basis to meet and learn the latest on current events, research, policies, regulations. Knowledge and networking gained at these events and conferences enables people and entities to best position work and efforts to adjust to current events, emerging trends and the latest research. Each year our team coordinates with planning committees to offer high- level, successful annual events and conferences.

Complimenting all of these efforts involve special projects in which our team offers insights and strategies for interested stakeholders to navigate and succeed within a variety of portfolios and projects included but not limited to: agriculture; resource management; small business; rural America.

We're integrated, from idea to execution.

Meet Our Team


Professional Staff

Professional Staff

Strategic Partners

"I had the opportunity to work with Jess Peterson on several occasions, and he absolutely has what it takes to get the job done. Western Skies Strategies has the relationships and commitment that make it a wise choice for any group or business trying to expand their presence in Washington D.C."

Bill Hawks, Former U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary

Special thanks to Merv Coleman at www.mervcoleman.com for his incredible photos.