The Association of Official Seed Analysts
The Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) is an organization of member laboratories. Members include official state, federal, and university seed laboratories across the United States and Canada. To assure a high standard of quality, many individuals within the AOSA member laboratories have acquired AOSA Certified Seed Analyst status through extensive training followed by a mandatory certification testing process.

The Rural & Agriculture Council of America
The Rural & Agriculture Council of America (RACA) is a consortium of main street business owners, ranchers, farmers, producers, and leaders in the agriculture industry, advocating for federal, state, and local policy and regulatory reform to advance the rural and agriculture goals and initiatives of America.

The Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
The Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) is a society of seed technology professionals. SCST works to maintain and encourage the highest proficiency and professional standards among its members. SCST also promotes seed technology research, teaching and extension; improvements in seed testing rules and procedures; and domestic and international seed trade while encouraging cooperation between regulatory and commercial entities.

Society for Range Management
Society for Range Management (SRM) is the professional society dedicated to supporting persons who work with rangelands and have a commitment to their sustainable use. Rangelands comprise almost one-half of all the lands in the world. SRM is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable management of rangelands for the benefit of current societies and for future generations.

U.S. Cattlemen Association
Established in 2007, U.S. Cattlemen Association (USCA) is dedicated to, and focused on, efforts in Washington, DC to further the interests of cattle producers on mandatory country of origin labeling, international trade, market competition, reform of the mandatory beef checkoff, animal health, welfare and identification, private property rights and other issues that affect the U.S. cattle industry.